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2024 Holiday Potluck Dinner – December 19, 2024
The Lions 2024 Holiday Party was truly a festive celebration. The team of Lions Ellen Gove and Margaret Colligan organized the culinary coordination as well as the decor, with an assist from Bonnie Carey securing and washing some “Goody Pile Plates.” A special thanks to the Presbyterian Church community for providing a wonderful setting.
This was a new formula for the celebration with over 60 in attendance and over 30 delicious dishes prepared. Lion Ken Lewis was a most cheerful Elf, accompanied by Linda Betjeman leading a medley of Carols and Jingles. Adding to the Holiday joy was Membership Director Don Dunning inducting three new Lions: Steve and Karen Haddy, sponsored by Dana Hallman, and Michael Carey, sponsored by his brother Chris.
With the news of excellent response to our Community Appeal, this was a wonderful close out to a very busy Shelter Island Lions Year. Below is a slide show with some photos from the dinner.
Happy Holidays to All!
First Annual Scholarship Breakfast – June 26, 2024
A delicious breakfast of fruit, muffins, bagels, sweet cinnamon buns and coffee was enjoyed at Crescent Beach by the five recipients of Lions scholarships and awards, their families and friends and SI Lions Club members on Wednesday, June 26, 2024. The members of the 2024 SI Lions Scholarship Committee are: Elizabeth Galle, Susan Binder, Janet D’Amato and Robin Lewis. The recipients, their scholarships/awards and the schools they’ll be attending are:
- Leonardo Dougherty, We Serve Scholarship $8,000, attending Wesleyan University, Educational Studies
- Miguel David Hermosura, We Serve Scholarship, $4,000, Hudson Valley Community College, General Dentistry
- Sophie Lee Clark. Crescent Scholarship, $15,000, University of New Hampshire, Marine Biology
- Phoenix Jackson Bliss, Crescent Schoarship, $15,000, College of Charleston, Engineering
- Kaitlyn Gulluscio, Jack Monaghan Award, $1,250, Florida Southern College, Elementary Education
Here are some photos from the event:
Officer Installation and Member Awards Dinner, June 20, 2024
54 Lions and guests enjoyed dinner at The Ram’s Head Inn for the annual Officer Installation and Member Awards dinner on June 20, 2024. Lion President Peter Miedema provided a summary of the impressive accomplishments of the Club during Lions year 2023-2024. Four new members, Bruce Brewer, Dennis and Stella Korchinski, and Linda Zavatto, were inducted into Lionism by Lion Mary-Faith Westervelt. Lion Mary-Faith also conducted the installation ceremony for the incoming Club officers and directors for Lions year 2024-2025. Lion Ken Pysher presented this year’s Melvin Jones Fellowship Award for outstanding humanitarian service to his wife, Marilynn. 1st Vice President Susan Binder then thanked the presenters and said she was looking forward to serving as President in the coming Lions year. Here are some photos from the event:
Memorial Day, May 27, 2024
Citizenship Award Dinner, May 23, 2024
Approximately 150 Lions & guests, honorees, and their relatives and friends attended the Shelter Island Lions Club Citizenship Award Dinner on May 23, 2024 at the Gardiner’s Bay Country Club. Emily and Dana Hallman were the honored recipients of this year’s Citizenship Award. Thanks to Jim Colligan, here are some photos from the event:
Holiday Dinner — December 14, 2023
More than 60 Lions and guests enjoyed a holiday dinner at The Ram’s Head Inn on Thursday, December 14th. We were honored to have our District Governor, Peter Tamsin, and Past District Governor, Douglas Marange, join us. DG Tamsin conducted the induction ceremony for four new Lions: Melissa and James Heus (sponsored by Susan Binder) and Bernard Ott and Gerard Drumm (sponsored by Chris Carey). PDG Marange presented Lion Marilynn Pysher with the “Miracles Through Service” award from the New York State Brandel-Murphy Youth Foundation for her many years of voluntary service to local youth.
Holiday music preceding the dinner during the hour in the bar was provided by Tom Hashagen and Lisa Shaw. And four Lions (Tom Hashagen, Ed Brennan, Chris Carey, and Jim Gereghty) entertained us with their singing.
Here are a few photos:
Dinner Meeting – September 21, 2023
68 Lions and guests enjoyed dinner at the Shelter Island Yacht Club on Thursday, September 21st. New member Raymond Renault, sponsored by Hap Bowditch, was inducted by Membership Director Archer Brown. The guest speaksers were Town Councilwomen BJ Ianfolla and Meg Larsen, who provided information concerning the development of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan.
Snapper Derby – September 2, 2023

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